Bobblehead Bunny
greedy cat
fiona apple
neo ⠀ 16 ⠀ any prns
heavenly blinkie
as you can see from the info just a few centimeters above this, my name is neo (or lain or any of the various other names i go by online). i am 16 years old and i use any pronouns, i have no preference and you can pick for me. i am muslim and very autistic...
i try to code a little bit every day for this site although sometimes i will go long hiatus' without updating (as you can tell from the update log on the index page). recently i've not been very busy so i've just been spending my time on this.
as mentioned before, i have autism and other mental illnesses that might scare the hoes away and they affect how i act so if i appear a bit off putting forgive meee....💔
i created this site because i love putting my personal info out on the internet. jk get pranked! the real reason i made this is because i've always wanted to make a website of my own for various reasons, mainly to post information about my little guys (ocs). so i hope you enjoy perusing my insanity :p
here are my instagram and twitter. i'm also texhnolyzation on discord so if you wanna get into contact with me dm me on discord or instagram as i'm more likely to reply on one of those.
updated 13/3/24
i love many things which include:
⠀ music: fiona apple, the sundays, insane clown posse, saint etienne, heavenly, strawberry switchblade
⠀ medias: jojo's bizarre adventure, serial experiements lain, homestuck, moomins, no more heroes
⠀ other stuff: speculative evolution & biology, worldbuilding, conlanging, making original characters, drawing, writing, jerma985, animals in general, coding and website making (duh)
the me's EVER:
there's nothing here yet... oops