Bobblehead Bunny
an image of lain iwakura from serial experiments lain

hello and welcome to my blog!

this is a place where i will post about topics such as my life, plans for the website, or any of the thoughts that i've decided i want to share here!

i hope you enjoy reading through my thoughts i guess LOL

go back?

★ 13 march 2024
hey there... i haven't updated in a while, oopsie daisy! i've been pretty busy with life (preparing for my italy trip and all that) but also i've lowkey just been really lazy.

my wifi went out a few days ago, on monday i think (it's wednesday right now). there were some people doing work outside of my house and i guess they cut a cable. yesterday i got inspiration to update my blog and the site in general but i couldn't cus the wifi was out! to be fair i have data on my phone, but coding on my phone would just be so long and tedious...

my life as also just been pretty crazy lately. if you didn't see it in my about section, i'm muslim. i reverted a while ago (not comfortable saying when) and only started wearing hijab back last november. i don't want to turn this into a vent session but my nana hasn't really been taking it well because of her own bias's, i think. in the post on 20/01/24, i mentioned that i was going on a trip to italy over spring break (which is next week actually!). on sunday, i went into the kitchen and she asked me if there was any possibility of me not wearing it and i was like "no" because my hijab has become a very important part of my identity. we ended up having a huge fight, she told me if i wore it i wouldn't be able to go which caused me to have a huge meltdown. i ended up having one of my friends pick me up and take me to her house because i couldn't stand being in the same house as her for the time being. she ended up conceding and said "if i trusted my judgement then i could go". now she's letting me go and is super happy about it again, which is kind of getting on my nerves because not even a week ago we were screaming at each other over it.

i might update my blog again a couple days after i get back, so after 24 march. i'll need to think of ways to format it, because i've kind of just been letting the div do it's thing so far, but i'll need to make it have a set height with a scrollbar.

oh, also. ramadan (holiest month in islam) started on monday! it's my first ramadan, so i'm kind of feeling a bit... bleh. but fasting has been pretty easy for me so far. i've been praying more, too, alhamdullilah! the only time i start getting really hungry is about an hour before sunset/maghrib, but i'm sure as ramadan continues (inshaAllah) it will get easier for me.

i hope you enjoyed reading this update, if anyone is reading it LOL

an image of a beach with a single palm tree with the word bruh in black text
★ 20 january 2024
ok hi first post. this won't be a huge like whatever i guess cus i've just set this up but i just wanted to post this since, while i'm writing this, i'm actually still coding this page LOL

one post that i'm thinking of that will actually be pretty large is my post about my upcoming trip to italy in march, so if anyone actually cares to read these then there's something to look forward to... heh

instagram user jxxyy holding up a while stirofoam cup