Dinner in America (2020)

This review contains one mention of the R-Slur. If that is something that will upset you I don't recommend that you read this review. It will also, obviously, contain minor spoilers, so be warned!

13 September 2024 ★★★★★

Don’t make fun of me for this but I actually watched Dinner in America when it started to get popular on TikTok back in August/September. I usually dislike when things I like blow up there (like when people started using Fiona Apple’s song “I Want You To Love Me”.....) so I can imagine the people who knew about the movie prior to TikTok getting ahold of it were not very happy, but I’m so thankful for it because it’s what allowed me discover this wonderful movie.

My absolute favorite thing about this movie was the character of Patty. She was such a fun character to watch and incredibly relatable, especially as a feminine-presenting person with autism. I found myself feeling empathetic for the negative ways she was being treated, as I could imagine myself being in her shoes and remembered moments from my past that were similar to the movie. When she asked Simon if he thought she was retarded I could just picture all the moments I felt the same way and I couldn't help but get a little emotionial about it.

Moreover, I only have one gripe about Simon. In my opinion, the writer’s making him call Patty’s mom the D-slur at the beginning of the movie was distasteful but unfortunately realistic as the usage of slurs like that is common to hear in the alternative scene. Otherwise I think Simon is a really great character. Patty is even more relatable , as I would love to have a boy like Simon as my “music boyfriend,” LOL. Circling back to the end of the last paragraph, seeing Simon stand up for Patty (in rather unconventional ways, if the cat scene is anything to go by...) was really romantic and heartwarming, especially when Patty started crying when he told her to “not talk like that.” I really hope someday I have someone who will stand up for me like that.

This movie was great. I loved the plot, setting, characters, all of it!! Kyle Gallner (Simon) and Emily Skeggs (Patty) are great actors and I want to eventually watch more movies with one (or both!) of them in them. Five stars, Dinner in America has definitely become one of my favorite movies!!!




Dinner in America (2020)




