Welcome to CATATONIA! This is a website dedicated to being the webmistresses personal corner of the internet. It hosts many things, such as info about my original characters, shrines for the medias that I enjoy, graphics that I collect, and many more. *Note that crossed-out links lead to pages that have probably not yet been set up.

CATATONIA began as, and still is, a website for my own personal use. I've always been fascinated with the old internet, the fact that a majority of the sites you visited were crafted with care by a single person. I'm not old enough to remember that era, I only started using the internet in 2017 (if I'm remembering correctly), and by that time the internet had already been corporatized. So in a way, this website is somewhat of a love letter to what the internet used to be, the charming handcraftedness of it all.

If you take a look at the Update Log, you can see that this site was created in late November of 2022. I'd already known about Neocities for a long time before that, I was actually introduced to Neocities by fauux, and although I created the website so long ago I didn't actually start using and updating it until November 2023. I got quite a lot accomplished: There was a homepage, a page about me, and a blog with two "posts." But I wasn't very happy with how it looked, and I was honestly getting bored, so I decided to scrap it all and start fresh. In a way, I guess this is the section version of Catatonia, buuut not really since the "first" version wasn't very fleshed out.

If you're reading this, thank you for visiting my website, even if you only take a look at a few pages :)

19 May 2024: Site begins undergoing contruction. New index page is set up.
27 Nov 2022: A website is born...

wip number 2